Scaling a Business with Performance Marketing

How do you know which type of marketing to use? These are just one of the issues and headaches that come in scaling your business. Pick the wrong one and you could waste months of time and tens of thousands of dollars for nothing.

Performance Marketing focuses on delivering results that actually matter to a business. It is also, in our opinion, the most effective and efficient method of marketing to help a business scale.

How Performance Marketing differs

Choosing a Performance Marketing Agency to scale your business leads to less headaches. You can rest assured that they will deliver results, and they will deliver them fast. Results that are tangible for your business like gross margin, revenue and sales. Real numbers and real results. 

Many Performance Marketing Agencies operate on a Performance-based pay structure. This means they succeed when your business does. With this alignment of interest, you can trust the effort they will put into your business.

Another factor for choosing Performance Marketing is its timeliness. Instead of waiting for half a year hoping the agency got it right, businesses can see the change in numbers month to month. This is from Performance Marketing’s constant experimentation. It tests multiple messages toward customers on a regular basis to optimise their marketing strategy. This shows what works and what doesn’t in a matter of weeks, bringing the best results and saving costs.

Social Media Advertisements are the largest channel for many Performance Marketing Agencies. This is due to their ability to generate demand. Many businesses have unique ideas and products people aren't looking for yet. Social media advertisements allow marketers to show people the product through sponsored posts. This introduces interesting ideas and product categories that were not in the minds of the audience beforehand. 

Launcher Lab | Performance Marketing to Scale Business

Is Performance Marketing appropriate for your Business?

Despite the effectiveness of Performance Marketing to scale a business,  it isn’t for everyone. It requires high initial capital to pursue this marketing strategy.

Low margin and low cost products may struggle to cover the customer acquisition costs. This includes products such as fast moving consumer goods. Strong margins and high lifetime value are features of a product that may be better suited to Performance Marketing.

To learn more about Performance Marketing click here. Thinking of scaling your business? To talk with a proven, result-driven Performance Marketing Agency, contact Launcher Lab today! 


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What is Performance Marketing? Complete Guide 2022