Creative Velocity - The Key to Remote Work Success?

When remote work became the norm with the pandemic, companies were disgruntled. Many were not prepared to adapt to this new environment. They cited their concerns about worker productivity from working from home. 

To their surprise, employees showed an increase in productivity with this new change. The biggest contributor to this change was autonomy. Daniel Pink’s Drive states the three motivators of life are Mastery, Purpose and Autonomy. 

Mastery - the hunger to improve. Purpose - the desire to live a life of meaning and value. And Autonomy - The urge to be self-directed.

Employees worldwide experienced a new work environment. An environment where they had to decide how to get things done on their own accord. For many, this modern working approach and the many benefits were too good to leave behind. In fact, many still work remotely today long after the return of the pre-pandemic normalcy. 

The marketing industry is no different. Marketers around the world have expressed their happiness from remote work. Marketing Agencies have also reaped the benefits of this change. Reduced costs, increased productivity and flexibility to name a few.

However, there may be a clear winner when it comes to marketing in this new remote-work era. Creative Velocity.

How Marketing has changed with remote work 

Traditional marketing has not been an efficient approach to marketing. This has not changed, and in fact, only worsened with remote working. 

Traditional marketing is a string of back and forths. Communicating with other departments and clients until they finalise a marketing message. 

The number of meetings and disruptions required to create a single campaign creates too many barriers and is inefficient. As mentioned earlier - the more autonomous, the more productive. And this approach was anything but that.

Matt Mullenweg (the founder of a little-known company; WordPress that powers ~40% of all websites) describes what a workplace would look like with different levels of autonomy. 

The majority of marketing agencies and departments would be between Levels 1 and 3. 

They would be adapting to the new remote environment, but still reliant on the old process of work. Create-revision, where the agency would create an ad creative and get feedback from the client before running the ads. 

This is where Creative Velocity comes in.

How Creative Velocity is the remote-work gamechanger

Creative Velocity is Launcher Lab’s approach to Performance Marketing. Unlike the traditional process of create-revise, Creative Velocity uses a create-test-iterate approach instead. 

It involves creating an experiment of testing hundreds of advertisements at any given moment. Through this process, we can quickly find out what is working, and what isn’t. 

It’s an evidence-based approach to getting more results in less time.

Due to its experimental nature, Creative Velocity doesn’t need meetings, or unnecessary back and forths with our clients. 

We need time to focus on what needs to be done. Getting the results that matter to you.

And our process works.

By embracing distributed teams, we’re able to work through multiple time zones and have a diverse team. We have team members in four different countries, writing, building, designing and managing digital ads 24 hours a day.

Methodology, communication and reporting is the best we have experienced across multiple agencies over the years
— Adam Morris | Managing Director, Mingle


It's important to choose the marketing strategy that works best with the environment we work with. That strategy is Creative Velocity. 

Launcher Lab is the Performance Marketing Agency that can help your business grow and scale to new heights. Chat to us about how Creative Velocity can benefit your business today.


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