Creative Velocity: The Importance of Customer-focused Marketing

Your customers should be the focal point of all marketing efforts. This is a readily agreed-upon fact from marketing professionals and researchers alike. 

It makes sense. In order to influence the behaviour of customers (i.e. to buy a certain product), you have the understand their needs and wants. Only then can you create and market a product that fills that desire. 

All strategies and messaging should be consumer-focused.

Yet, even to this day, thousands of marketing teams fail to utilise this concept in their work. They spend weeks or months in their office creating the “perfect” advertisement failing to heed the opinion of the consumers that will see the final advertisement.

This is not customer-focused. And creating messages without consumer feedback is akin to throwing darts at a board blindfolded, praying it sticks.

Our Creative Velocity approach changes this. 

It’s a marketing strategy aimed at prioritising the customer at every step of the ad creation process. This ensures that we are able to produce advertisements that will actually grab the attention of potential customers and get results.

Why Creative Velocity?

Creative Velocity is Launcher Lab’s approach to ad creation of create-test-iterate. When the focus is on the customer, you need to be constantly testing and tweaking your ad creative. This is the only way to find what truly works, and what doesn’t. 

We will often be testing hundreds of different ads on any given day, comparing and analysing each creative to see what went well, and what didn’t. With time, we will understand what your customers want based on the response we received. 

Following the analogy of the dartboard, this would be throwing hundreds of darts until we’ve improved our technique to hit a bullseye every time.

No weeks spent on a single campaign that may or may not flop. Rather, perfecting the message through experimentation and iteration to get the best results.

Another big advantage of Creative Velocity is its efficiency. Finding the optimal strategy as soon as possible through constant testing removes the need to slowly go back and forth making changes. This ability to save money and time is one that is imperative to marketing teams.


Analyse how your marketing strategy works. Make sure that it is not using customer feedback as a mere suggestion to create its strategy. 

The strategy should be focused and flexible around how the customer responds to every message created, and ready to change and adapt to better fit their desires at the snap of the finger. 

Launcher Lab is the Performance Marketing Agency using evidence-based methods to get the results that matter. Talk to us today about how Creative Velocity can make the difference for your business.


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